Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Nicole's Photo Actions

So I'm trying to be a more dedicated blog writer...especially because I love sharing some of the stuff I find that I consider "design worthy." So here's my latest find: http://shop.nicholev.com/

I've actually known about Nicole for a while, but I have to rave about her Photoshop Actions. They really do amazing things! Seriously take a look:
This is her Studio Action Set. It's this kind of thing that makes a decent photo into a FABULOUS photo!

This is Nicole's Essential Color Pop. Amazing, huh?

Take a look at her website for more! Her main site is here: http://www.nicholev.com/. Honestly, if you get a chance you ought to take a look at her photography. It is AMAZING! I've been checking out her weddings one...and the photos are very unique.


Jenni said...

Awesome site to look at--thanks!

PS--Seriously, can you come visit me and teach me how to use PSE? =)

Michelle Johnson said...

I saw her actions awhile back and drooled over them. Unfortunately, I can't spend that much on them. I guess I'll have to learn to do it by hand.