Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Art Convention Part 2—Channeling My Inner Artist

Okay, if you haven't read Part 1, scroll down and read that first, because much of this will be out of context if you don't! So most of the time spent at this convention was, of course, doing art. I mentioned that this year's theme was Spanish TinWork. Amy had us make a book using metal tape (seriously, I loved the stuff!) as a first project.

While most of you know that I am a designer, art, well, art has never really been something I am drawn to (I mean, other than buying other people's). I do believe in creativity...I think we all have that in us, but art, well, let's just say it's never been a strong point for me. So I completely surprised myself by using techniques I use in Photoshop as a designer to become a collage artist! I had the best time with the layering. I liked making this first book so much that I made two more (all coptic bound):

We also went on a dumpster dive, which gave me some material for this next piece.

My last two pieces where my biggest: 18 inches by 18 inches. I'm actually framing them for my living room, take a look:

This last one is my favorite. I used metal for both pieces that were etched and distressed. Obviously, there is a bird theme running through three of the pieces...loving birds!!! Here's a few of the ladies hard at work:

The first is Linda at work and the second if Pat. I managed to only get the two of them from our group on film. Check out these pieces that Linda made:

I love these little metal birds...they are so cute! One of Pat's pieces was a retablo (probably spelled incorrectly)...Here's the only photo I got of it (it's in the left hand corner of the photo:

So anyway, I loved creating the art in a very non-judgemental environment and the freedom of it all.

OKay, I am going to make a quick diversion from the Art Convention for one second, and then I'm off to bed...We borrowed the TinkerBell movie tonight for the girls (It came out today)...and we all loved it (Siri was in heaven!). Wondering if anybody else borrowed/bought it and what did you think? Love or hate?

Here's the link to one of the trailers: http://www.imdb.com/video/screenplay/vi1131347993/


Norda said...

Hey Carina, cute stuff! I love looking at your creative adventures! I was just wondering if you've seen the "Vintage Glam" blog. I have a link to it on my blog. The stuff there is fun, and I thought of you when I was surfing it.

Siri said...

No, I 'll have to take a look! Thanks for telling me about it!

Jen Allyson said...

Carina! your stuff looks so beautiful. Seriously I cannot wait to see it in person, we need to get together next week.